Open Doors exists to strengthen the church in the most hostile places - supplying Bibles, training church leaders, delivering Scripture-based literacy programmes and supporting Christians who suffer for their faith. In the UK and Ireland Open Doors raises awareness of global persecution through mobilising prayer, support and action among Christians.
The Open Doors Prayer Group prays knowledgably for persecuted Christians throughout the world using Open Doors resources. People are prayed for by name as we read their stories and testimonies. Their faith in often the most tragic circumstances challenges and inspires our own faith to grow. We also write to Christians in prison for their faith. Open Doors often spearheads campaigns for those Christians worst affected, and we get involved in writing to our MPs and foreign ambassadors on their behalf.
The Open Doors World Watch List shows where it is hardest to be a Christian.

See interactive map here.
Trevor Roff is the Open Doors representative for 3 Counties Church and is a commissioned speaker for Open Doors around the country. Please contact the office if you would like to receive the Open Doors monthly magazine, times of the prayer meetings, or updates on the latest situations across the world of the persecuted church.