In 2012, through the charity Tearfund's Connected Church programme, 3 Counties Church became linked with a church in Beka Village, Malawi, and with Tearfund's partner in Malawi, Eagles. Beka is a village in Chikwawa province, southern Malawi, of approximately 40 households and 200 people. Most families farm for a living, growing their own food. Eagles has been working in Beka for several years now, helping the villagers diversify their agriculture to adapt to the changing climate, and sinking boreholes so the community does not have to drink unsafe water from a river that is difficult to access.
In 2014, 11 members of our church visited Beka and we hope to go again one day. In the meantime, we continue to fundraise for Eagles - at our Harvest service and special events throughout the year. If you have any fundraising ideas, let us know!
For more information about Beka and other Eagles projects across Malawi, click here.