Photography & Video Policy
INTRODUCTION This policy has been designed to fulfil the legal obligations that we as a church have, particularly in relation to The Data Protection Act (DPA) 1998 and The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) May 2018. We capture images to reflect who we are as a church and what we do, to internal and sometimes external audiences, that is, to church attendees, the general public and media – promoting and publicising events and information, reporting back on events and activities, and creating a rich historical record of the 3 Counties Church. Image capture is defined as taking still photographs, filming and live streaming. We will take measures against unauthorised use of images by storing them on the Church’s central database which is password protected and has restricted access. They will be deleted off the original device used to capture the image. They will be stored in perpetuity unless we are contacted and requested to delete them.
GENERAL PHOTOGRAPHY AND FILMING POLICY FOR ADULTS For specific policy relating to children and individuals with care and support needs see our separate section below. 1. TAKING IMAGES 2. USING IMAGES POLICY FOR CHILDREN AND INDIVIDUALS WITH CARE AND SUPPORT NEEDS INTRODUCTION 1. LARGE SCALE EVENTS A) We will make it known through public notices in situ, on event publicity and via a public announcement that: B) Group shots and wide shots can be taken but not of children or individuals with care and support needs whose carers/parents/guardians have opted out or of unaccompanied individuals who are known to have care and support needs but who have not opted out. C) For close ups of an individual child or individual with care and support needs, verbal permission will be sought from the carer/parent/guardian to record images and an explanation given as to where the images will be published (See D below). Such images will not be published until written permission has been obtained to do so, either at the event or afterwards. D) USING IMAGES They will not be live streamed or appear on social media, our website or the local press. Group shots may be published on social media, our website (or the website of other local churches at cross church events), and the local press (all of which are globally accessible on the worldwide web), and internal visual presentations, newsletters and posters. Please contact us anytime if you wish to withdraw your permission for the use and storage of imagery. |