A friendly, fun and safe playgroup for pre-school children and their carers.
Thursday mornings (term-time) 10 - 11am
Hooray, Playtime is back!
Our new look Playtime is now split into two bubbles, the Playtime Toddler group (upstairs) and the Playtime Baby & Crawler group (downstairs). It's essential to book your space (sign-up will be open the week before each session) and more information about your visit will be sent in a booking confirmation email. Sign up through our calendar here. (in the calendar, find the date and click on the Playtime group relevant to your child which will take you to the sign up page)
A friendly environment for mums, dads, carers or anyone new to the area to connect with each other and share the joys and challenges that come with parenting. If you haven't discovered us already, you are welcome to join us! £1 per family All of the Playtime helpers are parents and we know that life doesn’t always run smoothly – especially when little ones are around! Therefore, if you would like practical help or wish to chat or pray with someone, talk to any team member during Playtime or contact the Playtime leader, Lee Lees, on lee@3countieschurch.org.
Playtime Leader: Lee Lees