3 Counties Church

Fusion Group Text

This is a form that once completed, gives 3 Counties Church (3CC) permission to communicate via Group Text to the youth and their parents / guardian's registered, regarding youth activities that 3CC are running or are involved with / aware of.

Please complete the details below if you and your young person would like to be included in this Group Text.  We would like both the youth and their parents / guardians to be recepients of the Group Texts, so both parties get to receive full details of events and see what is being communicated.  Please note however, this Group Text is only for young people and their parents / guardians who are in year 7 upwards.   Also, please be aware that we are unable to use What's App to send out the group messages, as What's App have now applied a policy requiring users to to be 16+.  

Name of Parent / Guardian giving permission for the young person detailed below to be sent Group Texts concerning Youth.:
Name of Young Person to be added to the Group Text:
Date of Birth of Young Person (dd/mm/yy):
Name of Parent / Guardian to be added to the Group Text:
Mobile number of parent / guardian to be added to the Group Text:
Name of additional Parent / Guardian to be added to the Group Text (if required):
Mobile number of additional parent / guardian to be added to the Group Text (if required):
Mobile number of young person to be added to the Group Text :
Do you accept the privacy notice (see below)?:
Please enter the verification number on the right:*
four four three six two
* Required Fields