Whether you are simply looking for a welcoming, caring playgroup in the area, or a church where your child or young person can enjoy discovering more about God with friends of their own age, we have a range of groups that cater for all kids. There are fun and engaging groups, both on Sundays and during the week, that are led by people who love God and are passionate about passing on his love to you and your children. You can find out more by clicking on the links below: NEW HERE? Drop us an email, we'd love to hear from you! office@3countieschurch.org Sunday morningsAs our groups have not been able to meet in person recently, we have been having Sunday morning Zoom calls with them. Get in touch if you'd like to hear about these. These are the groups we normally run: Totzone Caring, fun church (for ages 0 – 4) Kidzone Exciting and engaging group (for school years R – 5) Lava Energetic and creative group (for school years 6 – 8) Fusion Engaging group (for school years 9-13) Sunday eveningsFusion After Hours - Youth group on Sunday evenings 6-8pm CURRENTLY ON ZOOM MidweekPlaytime – Currently not meeting. Toddler playgroup for pre-school children and their carers, Thursday mornings 10-11.45am We are running an online Parenting Course on Wednesday evenings for 6 weeks from 6th January 2021. Join us as we look at how to support our child as they start to find out how the world works, learn how to manage their feelings, find out what they’re good at and experience the consequences of keeping or breaking the rules. Lee Lees is hosting this course made by Care for the Family. Spaces are limited so it's essential to book via this link: https://3countieschurch.churchsuite.com/events/ddqywf07 Lava Late – Youth group on Tuesday evenings 6.30-8pm (for school years 6 - 8) CURRENTLY ON ZOOM In addition to these groups, we also regularly go into primary schools to lead assemblies or lessons as part of Wey Assemblies. We recognise the need to provide a safe and caring environment for children, young people and adults with care and support needs. Our safeguarding policy and practice guidelines are based on the ten safe and secure safeguarding standards published by Thirtyone:eight, part of which include safer recruitment, management, training and awareness for all our staff and volunteers working with the various groups.