Eco Church Award
We believe that God created the world, animate and inanimate, which means that even the smallest insect and pebble is the work of His design. We believe that in the bible God commands man to look after the environment for His glory. Responding to climate change is an essential part of our responsibility to be good stewards of God's creation. We believe that what we do and the way we live affects not only us and our children, but every other person sharing the planet. We are committed to managing the environmental impacts of our Church wherever possible. We seek to care for God’s world in our worship and teaching; in how we look after our buildings and land; in how we engage with our local community, and in our personal lifestyles. That is why we created our Green team to consider our church’s environmental footprint, promote a balanced approach to our stewardship of the planet and raise the profile of environmental and ecological issues. We have made changes by using:
If you have any ideas for how we can reduce our waste/take other steps to reduce the impact we have on the environment please consider joining the Green Team or speak to Tony Harrould. What else can I do?